All contributions to the Parchment mappings data are reviewed and merged according to this process. This ensures transparency between the mappings contributors and the ParchmentMC team, and allows contributors to assess at what stage their PR is at.

Responsible Teams

The Parchment mappings team is responsible for the whole process, and is split into two relevant subteams:

  • The reviewers sub-team has the responsibility of reviewing PRs and merging them, pursuant to this process.
  • The standards sub-team has the responsibility of maintaining and approving changes to the standards and the process, and decide on matters relating to the mapping standards.

The repository administrators have full admin access to the repository and may forcefully merge a Pull Request, overriding any technical requirements on PRs such as status checks. This privilege should only be used in cases where no other remedies are available, such as emergency situations, malfunctioning status checks, or otherwise.

Only members of the reviewers sub-team and repository administrators can merge PRs into the main versioned branches.

PR Requirements

Pull Requests must abide by these requirements:

  • All automatic checks are successful.
    • The Contributor License Agreement (CLA) must be signed.
    • The data validation test from the CI must pass, and there must be no validation errors.
  • Contributions should be substantial.
    • While this requires PRs be substantial, there is no ‘minimum contribution’ requirement or definition.
    • Prefer submitting one PR containing a number of smaller unrelated contributions, than many PRs containing very small contributions.
    • A PR should preferably be reasonable in scope, such as mapping a package or adjusting javadocs. Large unrelated changes should be made in separate PRs.
  • Contributions must abide by the Parchment mapping standards.


  • A contributor submits a Pull Request to the mappings repository with their contributions. This PR will await triaging by a mappings team member.

  • A mappings team member will perform a cursory inspection of the changes in the PR.

    • All automatic checks must pass before it is labelled and starts review.
    • The cursory inspection is to ensure that the changes in the PR do not contain any content not fit for the repository.
    • Once the triaging member has performed a cursory inspection and does not find any objectively objectionable content and the automatic checks succeed, it is labelled accordingly by version and contents and a review is requested from the reviewers sub-team.
  • The PR will now be reviewed by the reviewers sub-team. They may choose to approve the PR, request changes, or neutrally leave comments.

    For a PR to be considered for merging, it must have at least one (1) approving review from a member of the reviewers sub-team without any unresolved conversations and no pending changes from reviews.

    • If a change requesting review from a member of the mappings team has been resolved, their review may be dismissed as being outdated at the discretion of another member of the mappings team.

      This prevents situations where a reviewer requests changes on a PR then becomes unable to re-review the PR for an extended period of time, which delays the PR from being considered for merging.

  • After a PR has passed the review requirements above, a member of the mappings team (which may be the same approving member of the reviewers sub-team) may then squash-merge the PR, integrating the changes into the target branch.

    • The approving member of the reviewers sub-team or the member of the mappings team responsible for merging the PR may temporarily delay the merging of the PR at their discretion.

      For example, the member may decide to request a secondary opinion/review of another member of the mappings team regarding the contents of the PR.